Office rental in Nizhny Novgorod


"LLC Triumph" leases out its own office spaces located at manufacturing belt in Sormovskij district of Nizhny Novgorod at address: Torphyanaya-Str., 30


Manufacturing belt of Sormovskij district is a complex of large plants and medium-sized concerns sphere of production of mobile machinery, machines, electrical equipment, electronics, iron industry, nonferrous metallurgy, oil-products, logistics, etc.


Office rental in the manufacturing belt of Sormovskij district is a perfect positional option in close proximity to target customers and contractors at best rental payments.


"LLC Triumph" is the owner of the office spaces, that is why it can offer the best rental charges.


We lease out building spaces of various size-both small offices (9,3 sq. m.) and large spaces (2350 sq. m.)


Why our offices?


the owner leases out the office spaces

office spaces are situated in the undertakings with checkpoints and pass entry systems

office spaces are located on the red line on the side of the highway

there is a convenient car park 2000 sq. m.

bus stop is nearby the office places

there are adjusted advertising constructions nearby



Variants of the office rental


1. Administrative and service building №2, entry level


- total area of 250 sq. m.

- location on the main floor, frontal windows

- private entrance in the office on the side of trackway; there is an entrance from the courtyard too

- trees in front of the windows are ordered to be sawn down

- ceiling height after fine finish will be not less than 2,5 m

- rooms need renovation, the repair may be done on account of rental payments

- heated space

- telecommunications – Internet, telephone

- convenient car park

- price - 200 rub. per sq. m. + 100 rub. per sq. m for heating in winter + utility charges + energy charge + communication costs


Внешний вид помещений под офисы. Офисные помещения отапливаемые, требуется ремонт. Ремонт помещений - в счет арендной платы
Фасадная сторона офиса на 1-ом этаже. Возможно сделать отдельный вход в офис с этой стороны. Есть предписание на спил деревьев. Перед корпусом находится удобная автомобильная парковка


Prices for office rental


Purpose Layout leasable area, sq.m.

Rental prices, RUB


(VAT included)


(VAT included)

Office office and welfare building №2, main floor 19,1 200 100
Office office and welfare building №2, main floor 17,1 200 100
Office office and welfare building №2, main floor 51,7 200 100
Office office and welfare building №2, main floor 82,1 200 100
Office office and welfare building №2, main floor 70,6 200 100


Layout plan



2. Office and welfare building №1, main floor


- layout: main floor

- rooms require repair

- heated space

- comfortable car parking


Cost of renting


Purpose Layout leasable area, sq.m.

Rental prices, RUB


(VAT included)


(VAT included)

Office office and welfare building №1, main floor 25,3 150 100
Office office and welfare building №1, main floor 52,9 150 100
Office office and welfare building №1, main floor 20,6 150 100
Office office and welfare building №1, main floor 9,8 150 100
Office office and welfare building №1, main floor 29,9 150 100


Layout plan



3. Office and welfare building №1, second floor


- total area 365,7 sq.m.

- layout: second floor

- rooms require repair

- heated space

- comfortable car parking


Помещения отапливаемые, требуется ремонт. Подведены все необходимые коммуникации.


Cost of renting


Purpose Layout leasable area, sq.m.

Rental prices, RUB


(VAT included)


(VAT included)

Office office and welfare building №1, second floor 98 150 100
Office office and welfare building №1, second floor 83,1 150 100
Office office and welfare building №1, second floor 89,1 150 100
Office office and welfare building №1, second floor 95,5 150 100


Layout plan





4. Office and welfare building №2, second floor


- layout: second floor

- total area 2350 sq.m.

- unheated space, but there is a possibility of system installation

- rooms require repair

- Rent (VAT included) – 150 RUB per sq. m. + 100 rub. per sq. m for heating in winter + utility charges + communication costs

- telecommunications – Internet, telephone

- comfortable car parking



Layout plan




5. Office and welfare building №2, fourth floor


- layout: fourth floor

- total area 156,6 sq.m.

- Rent (VAT included) – 150 RUB per sq. m. + 100 rub. per sq. m for heating in winter + utility charges + communication costs

- heated space

- rooms require repair

- telecommunications – Internet, telephone

- comfortable car parking


Layout plan



6. Office and welfare building №2, seventh floor


- total area 99 sq.m.

- layout: seventh floor

- rooms do not require repair

- heated space

- Rent (VAT included) – 150 RUB per sq. m. + 100 rub. per sq. m for heating in winter + utility charges + communication costs

- telecommunications – Internet, telephone

- quiet office

- comfortable car parking


Офисные помещения с отделкой. Тихие офисы со всеми коммуникациями, интернетом и телефоном.


Cost of renting


Purpose Layout leasable area, sq.m.

Rental prices, RUB


(VAT included)


(VAT included)

Office office and welfare building №2, seventh floor 9,3 150 100
Office office and welfare building №2, seventh floor 22,9 150 100
Office office and welfare building №2, seventh floor 35,9 150 100
Office office and welfare building №2, seventh floor 15,4 150 100
Office office and welfare building №2, seventh floor 15,5 150 100


Layout plan




In case you are interested we are glad to meet at any time convenient for you!

Free call across Russia


Phone number in Nizhny Novgorod
