Antistatic poured floor


Сonstruction company Triumph has been performing construction, mounting and renovation works for many years and has developed a spotless reputation. There is antistatic poured floor installation for industrial facilities in the list of services.


Antistatic poured floor and sparkproof coatings are required for many producing departments. They are often used in placements with high-priced electronic equipment which puts forward specific requirements to frictional electricity. One more range of application is pharmaceutical industry, production of chemical substances (especially explosive materials), electronics engineering products, etc.



We offer antistatic poured floor installation in Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region, Moscow and other regions of Russia at the most reasonable price.


Advantages of antistatic poured floor


Perfect dust, moisture, chemical compounds, mechanic damages protection

reduced characteristics of resistivity constant

perfect electrical conduction properties

highest level of safety



Layers of antistatic poured floor


concrete layer with specific training

intermediate spreading epoxy coat

self-adhesive cupric tapes

current-carrying epoxy layer

finishing coat


Stages of antistatic poured floor installation


  1. Base preparation. Concrete layer must be maximally flat, that is why surface shaping is usually performed. All surface damages (pot-holes, splits, etc.) are packed with a polymeric solution. After that dust will be removed from the floor with the use of a special suction cleaner.
  2. Ground cleavage. Concrete base will be coated with a special polymer resin composition; such work is carried out to improve the performance of gripping power.
  3. Fastening of electrically conductive components by means of copper adhesive tapes.
  4. Electrically conductive prime coating is performed for charges compilation and thus leading away to the current-carrying circuit.
  5. Forming of polymer layer with electrically conductive fill materials (graphite fiber, etc.).





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We will offer the best prices for spark-free floors!


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